IBM/minishift101 - step 1 - accessing cluster

Learn how to login to an OpenShift cluster and create a new project in Minishift.

1. Login to the cluster

Login to the cluster with the output from the command after running minishift start as described in setup overview.

$ oc login -u system:admin

If you get an error about the oc command not being found, you can source it with the following command:

$ eval $(minishift oc-env)

As you will be able to see, there are several projects available to be able to switch between different workloads.

2. Create a project

You should have a default project setup already but we will create a new project for our new application.

$ oc new-project nodejs-echo --display-name="nodejs" --description="Sample Node.js app"

Now you should have a new project with the label nodejs and your active project will now point to it. If you want to switch between projects, run:

$ oc project <display-name>

Congratulations, you have logged into your cluster and have created your first OpenShift project! To learn how to create your first application move on to the next lab (Lab 2).

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