Command Line Interface - Using the CLI in a Terminal
There are couple ways in which you can set up your environment and work on your desktop/laptop, or in the Cloud Shell. The goal is to make a terminal window connected to Red Hat OpenShift cluster.
Make sure you select your own account in the account list, then click on the IBM Cloud Shell Icon
Note: Cloud Shell includes 500 MB of temporary storage. Your session closes after 30 minutes of inactivity. If you’re inactive in Cloud Shell for over an hour, your workspace data is removed. It’s also removed if you reach the 4-hour continuous usage or 30-hour weekly usage limits. To track your usage, go to Usage quota in the Cloud Shell menu (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
For the rest of the labs we will use the IBM Cloud Shell (Beta).
Your local Terminal
Alternatively you might be using your own terminal.
In such a case please make sure to install docker locally using Docker Desktop.
For the optional Java developer labs you need a local docker and git installation.
Next steps
Congratulations! You have your environment setup and you are ready to start Labs.